Diamonds Village (Country-side) Property – DP1723

Property ID : DP1723

For Sale $168,000.00 EC - Residential
3959 Sq Ft 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms  Add to Favorites Print

Diamonds Village (Country-side) Property – DP1723

Located in the windward neighborhood of Diamonds Village is a two-storey dwelling house at an asking price of only EC$168,000.00. The property holds a total gross floor area 1,311 Sq. ft and sits on 3,959 sq. ft of gently sloping land.

The first floor measures 897 sq. ft and consists of a 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, living room and kitchen/dining and veranda area. The ground floor measures 414 ft and consists of a bathroom and storage area.

The property area is considered to be a residential area.

Contact us today to place your offer or schedule a viewing  before its too late!



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